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Respecting and Nurturing Every Student: Implementing the New Excellence and Equity Policy in Long Beach

Meeting 46
March 29-30, 2022
Long Beach, California

The meeting will deepen our ongoing attention to matters of educational equity, in this case through the lens of the recently adopted Excellence and Equity Board Policy in Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD). We thank Jill Baker and her team for sharing their evolving work and hosting this important set of conversations. We have designed the meeting to create ample space to engage in substantive discussions, to rekindle relationships among longstanding Collaborative members, and to foster connections with newer members of the group.

Meeting 46 Summary


Briefing Book

Policy and practice briefs produced as an outcome from Meeting 46.

  brief thumbnailMaking it Matter: A Systems Approach to Advancing Equity and Excellence for         Students
  April 2023

As districts across the state resumed full-time instruction and began the task of pandemic recovery, members of the California Collaborative on District Reform convened three times in 2021-22 to continue and deepen their ongoing exploration of local strategies for meeting students' academic, social and emotional, and mental health needs. Of particular concern in these gatherings was the need to address systemic contributors to the persistent inequities in both educational opportunities and outcomes that the pandemic had accentuated. This brief and webinar summarize key takeaways from discussions among meeting participants exploring ways in which school systems center equity in their work.

