District Goals
**Long Beach Unified School District Policy Manual, Article 0 - Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans, § 0415, Excellence and Equity (2021). Available at https://cacollaborative.org/sites/default/files/2022-03/LBUSD_Excellence_Equity_Policy.pdf.
In December 2021, the Long Beach USD school board adopted this Excellence and Equity board policy, the implementation of which is the central focus of Meeting 46. The policy acknowledges structural factors that have contributed to past and current disparities in student outcomes in the district. The policy details the accountability systems for LBUSD as they take responsibility for past harm, offer reparations to their most underserved students, and implement the policy throughout their system.
This reading is critical to our meeting, and we urge you to read it in full prior to arriving in Long Beach. We will learn more from LBUSD about how the policy was created and the challenges of implementing it during Day 1.
Long Beach Unified School District. (2021). 2021-2022 Excellence and equity initiative mapping. Available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VJLH52O35XSPu_fUfnnenTodF YetDu7pRv8RxX1csns/edit.
These tables are linked within LBUSD’s equity policy and give further insight into how LBUSD envisions the implementation of the policy. For each of the district’s 11 initiatives related to equity, this table indicates the relevant overarching goals of the district, the office or department responsible for leading the initiative, and the expected outcomes during the current school year.
Long Beach Unified School District. (n.d.). College & career graduate profile. Available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gEYvgFKfls5PcoBtGD-rAnJWYKI0xaug/view.
This infographic briefly describes the expectations LBUSD has of all their graduates: being a college - and career - ready scholar, having critical thinking skills to solve problems, being an engaged citizen, making ethical decisions, and communicating and collaborating effectively.
Demographic & Performance Data
California Collaborative on District Reform. (2022). Long Beach Unified School District (USD) student enrollment. [Collection of student demographic data for March 29–30, 2022 meeting of the California Collaborative on District Reform]. Available at https://cacollaborative.org/sites/default/files/2022-03/LBUSD_Demographics_2022_final.pdf.
This one-page document contains key demographic information about LBUSD and California student enrollment across demographic categories, including ethnicity/race, English learners, students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, foster youth, homeless students, and the unduplicated student count.
EdSource. (n.d.). Long Beach Unified [district-level results on spring 2019 California Smarter Balanced assessment]. Available at http://caaspp.edsource.org/sbac/long-beach-unified-19647250000000
To provide context on LBUSD’s student population, we are including a set of charts and tables that display the district’s most recent state assessment results. This compilation includes both district-wide results and results by student demographic groups.
Research & School Improvement Long Beach Unified School District. (2022, March 15). Mid-year student progress [Unpublished slide deck presented to Long Beach Unified School District school board on March 15, 2022]. Available on Dropbox.
The graphics within these slides compare LBUSD student performance on diagnostic math and reading assessments between the beginning of the school year (October 2021) and the beginning of winter (February 2022). In lieu of recent state assessment scores, we hope these slides will provide additional context around recent student achievement.
**This document is a priority reading.