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Improving Outcomes for All Kids: MTSS, A Coherent and Integrated Systems Approach

Meeting 36
June 18-19, 2018
Sanger, California

A multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) creates a framework for identifying and supporting the academic and behavioral needs for all students. In June 2018, the California Collaborative on District Reform convened to explore how Sanger Unified School District has used MTSS to weave together multiple dimensions of improving student learning. The system in Sanger rests on a philosophy of early intervention and uses universal design for learning as the centerpiece of a base instructional program designed to meet the needs of all students. Through a culture of data use, a commitment to coherence at all levels of the system, and processes of ongoing reflection and refinement, the district demonstrates how MTSS can create opportunities for all children to thrive. Resources from the meeting, are available below.

Meeting 36 Summary


Supplemental Materials

Briefing Book

Policy and practice briefs produced as an outcome from Meeting 36.

One System for All: A Multi-Tiered System of Supports in Sanger Unified School District
June 2020

School closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have dramatically changed the conditions in which students learn and experience schooling. Disparities in students’ access to learning and in their academic outcomes are likely to exacerbate longstanding challenges and inequities. Now more than ever, educators need information that will help them address student needs, support improvement, and address these inequities. This brief draws on the experiences and lessons of local districts who have taken up the charge to improve access, use, and communication of data throughout their systems. The brief also shares insights for using data in the spirit of continuous improvement and in the service of all California students.
