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Meeting 44 Summary


In June 2021, members of the California Collaborative on District Reform convened for the fourth time since the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the disruption of in-person learning in districts across the state.  Although health concerns continue to evolve and shape district decisions, Collaborative members and guests met over two days in June to prepare for a return to in-person learning in the fall and the broader transition from crisis management to long-term recovery. Adopting language that Education Resource Strategies has used in its work with districts, participants incorporated teacher perspectives and student insights, explored strategic financial investments, and examined issues of measurement to consider what districts are building from, what they are doing now, and what they are building toward in their efforts to promote deep and lasting systemic improvement for students. Although the landscape of K-12 education in California has continued to evolve rapidly since the meeting took place, the lessons and insights nevertheless remain relevant for district action this summer, for fall 2021, and for the months and years ahead. Resources from the meeting, including a summary of the group’s conversation, are now available on the California Collaborative’s website at  

For additional resources from the California Collaborative related to COVID-19, please visit