(Note: We selected the following two case studies because they focus specifically on immigrant and Hispanic youth.)
Hartman, L. (2007). School, Community and English Language Learners: Intake Center as Pathway to Assimilation. The Connexions Project, module m14704. Available at http://cnx.org/content/m14704/latest/
This case study describes how an “Intake Center” in Harrisonburg, Virginia, contributed to the assimilation of English language learners into the local schools and local community. The authors note the kinds of services the Intake Center provided and the challenges of serving a community with a diverse and growing immigrant population.
Aspiazu, G. G., Bauer, S. C., & Spillett, M. D. (1998). Improving the Academic Performance of Hispanic Youth: A Community Education Model. Bilingual Research Journal, 22(2, 3, & 4). Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15235882.1998.10162719
This case study of the Oakwood Family Education Center examines the creation of a community-based education center, based on the ideas of liberation theology from Paulo Freire. The authors describe how the center developed a strategy to improve the educational achievement of Hispanic students through community involvement and empowerment.
**This document is considered a priority reading.