**California Collaborative on District Reform. (2024). Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) student enrollment & demographics [Collection of student demographic data prepared by Collaborative staff for the February 27–28, 2024 meeting of the California Collaborative on District Reform]. Available on Dropbox.
This document contains demographic information about Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) and California student enrollment from 2022–23 across key demographic categories. In addition to students’ ethnicity/race and the overall “unduplicated count” of Local Control Funding Formula-targeted students, the data also indicate the specific percentages of students who have been identified as English learners, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, foster youth, and special education students.
**EdSource. (2023). Oakland Unified [district-level results on California Smarter Balanced assessment]. https://caaspp.edsource.org/sbac/oakland-unified-01612590000000
To provide context on OUSD’s student performance, we are including a set of charts and tables that display the district’s state assessment results from 2015 through 2023. This compilation includes both district-wide results and results by student demographic groups. Not included are 2020 test results and 2021 test results for some student populations due to the pandemic.
**This document is a priority reading.