**Olsen, L. (2023). The access and equity imperative of English Learner responsive curriculum: Definitions and considerations. Sobrato Philanthropies. https://www.sobrato.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/01_SP-ECforELSS-Brief1.pdf
This research brief provides a historical perspective of and advocates for English Learner (EL) responsive curriculum that provides appropriate rigor while building language development. This piece posits that, in addition to curriculum, standards, instruction, and materials, EL teaching and learning ought to include attention to assessments, accountability, professional development, and supports as well. English Language Arts materials are designed for English speakers, and the language development for ELs components frequently lack implementation guidance and content depth. The author calls on curriculum developers to build more equitable educational experiences for ELs.
English Learners Success Forum. (2022). Benchmarks of quality – ELA. Available on Dropbox.
This document provides an overview of the Benchmarks of Quality for instructional materials designed for English learners (ELs), focusing on critical design features that support ELs’ needs and assets. Each benchmark is intended to ensure that instructional materials provide comprehensive support for ELs to engage with content meaningfully and develop language proficiency. OUSD recommended this piece because it is helpful in identifying the particular aspects of English Language Arts materials that are important for ELs and we encourage you to explore it.
For more details on each of the benchmarks and the indicators associated with each benchmark, please visit https://www.elsuccessforum.org/benchmarks-of-quality/ela-benchmarks
Hakuta, K. (2018). California English learner roadmap: Strengthening comprehensive educational policies, programs, and practices for English learners. https://californianstogether.app.box.com/s/z1wj2vi6kn3wu4a2w1dshi67b0wq67yv
We recommend reading the section entitled “Four Interrelated Principles” to focus on the guiding principles of California’s EL Roadmap. The principles focus on the importance of schools viewing ELs as having assets while having unique needs, ensuring instructional materials are appropriate and rigorous for ELs, the need for schools to have resources and build educators’ capacity to support ELs, and system-wide approaches and programs that bring coherence to EL teaching and learning.
For the purposes of our meeting, we recommend reading the section entitled “Four Interrelated Principles”. To read more about the history of EL education in California, how the principles relate to the Local Control Funding Formula, and the case studies included in this report, consider reading the full piece.
**This document is a priority reading.