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Creating a Shared Vision of High-Quality Instruction

Learning-Focused. (n.d.). Instructional Framework 101: What it is, why it’s important, and why every school should have one.

This article articulates a rationale for why school systems need an instructional framework to guide teaching and learning across all grade levels and content areas. The authors distinguish a framework from curricula, lesson planning, and teaching programs, and they list seven goals that an instructional framework can help educators meet, such as closing achievement gaps and differentiating instruction.

**Elk Grove Unified School District. (n.d.). Instructional framework materials [collection of readings for the October 31–November 1, 2023, meeting of the California Collaborative on District Reform]. Available on Dropbox.

This collection of four readings provides background on Elk Grove Unified School District’s (EGUSD) instructional framework. The first reading provides a narrative introduction to the framework. The second reading outlines the framework itself in the form of a rubric. As part of moving toward shared understanding of what instruction looks like, EGUSD has found having common language useful, and the third reading provides a glossary of common terms used in the district. As an expansion of their common language, the final reading provides the district’s definition of educational equity. The framework will be foundational for our conversation during Meeting 51, and we highly recommend reading these materials prior to the meeting.

**This document is a priority reading.