**Santa Ana Unified School District. (2022). The future begins here. https://www.sausd.us/Page/5
This document contains background information on Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD), such as the district’s mission statement and goals; the number of schools, students, and employees in the district; and the district’s budget for the 2021–22 school year.
**California Collaborative on District Reform. (2023). Santa Ana Unified School District (USD) student enrollment & demographics [Collection of student demographic data prepared by Collaborative staff for the May 3–4, 2023, meeting of the California Collaborative on District Reform]. Available on Dropbox.
This document contains demographic information about SAUSD and California student enrollment across key demographic categories. In addition to students’ ethnicity/race and the overall “unduplicated count” of Local Control Funding Formula-targeted students, the data also indicate the specific percentages of students who have been identified as English learners, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, foster youth, and special education students.
**EdSource. (n.d.). Santa Ana Unified [district-level results on California Smarter Balanced assessment]. https://caaspp.edsource.org/sbac/santa-ana-unified-30666700000000
To provide context on SAUSD’s student performance, we are including a set of charts and tables that display the district’s state assessment results through 2022. This compilation includes both district-wide results and results by student demographic groups. Not included are 2020 test results and 2021 test results for some student populations due to the pandemic.
**González, E. R., & Sarmiento, C. S. (2017, September 13). The gentrification of Santa Ana: From origin to resistance. https://www.kcet.org/shows/city-rising/the-gentrification-of-santa-ana-from-origin-to-resistance
This article gives a brief history of how the city of Santa Ana transitioned from an area primarily occupied by white people to a predominately Mexican American, working-class community. The authors highlight some of the major causes of this transition, such as the Bracero Program that introduced many immigrants into the city, purposeful disinvestment and gentrification processes led by local politicians, and multiple grassroots movements.
**This document is a priority reading.