**Santa Ana Unified School District. (2022). Santa Ana Unified School District graduate profile characteristics. https://www.sausd.us/graduateprofile
Session III will focus on Santa Ana Unified School District’s (SAUSD) graduate profile and how it is a guiding and central aspect of the work of the district. If time allows, we encourage you to visit the other links on this webpage for more information on SAUSD.
**Midles, R., & Martin, K. (2022, January 19). So you designed a profile of a graduate, now what? Getting Smart. https://www.gettingsmart.com/2022/01/19/so-you-designed-a-profile-of-a-graduate-now-what/
The authors suggest that one of the most important parts of having a graduate profile come after the profile itself has been finalized. Once the profile is adopted, districts need to share it out with the community, create conditions for using the profile to guide the culture and success metrics of the organization, and build the profile into the professional learning the district offers its educators.
Monfiletto, T. (2020, February 27). Are graduate profiles a fad? Or a real fix? Future Focused Education. https://futurefocusededucation.org/2020/02/26/are-graduate-profiles-a-fad-or-a-real-fix/
This author argues that there is one critical component often missing in even the strongest examples of graduate profiles: acknowledgement that many of the most influential factors in a student’s success are outside the control of the school system (e.g., socioeconomic status, physical and mental health). While graduate profiles are intended to be aspirational, the author argues that they become more wholistic when aspects of safety, stability, and security are incorporated into larger learning values.
**This document is a priority reading.