K-12 State Budget & Programs
Fensterwald, J. & Xie, Y. (2022, July 1). California's new budget includes historic funding for education. EdSource. Available at https://edsource.org/2022/californias-new-budget-includes-historic-funding-for-education/674998.
EdSource Staff. (2021, July 13). Unprecedented California budget to usher in sweeping education changes. EdSource. Available at https://edsource.org/2021/unprecedented-california-budget-to-usher-in-sweeping-education-changes.
These two articles together provide a brief overview of new state programs that were introduced during the last two budget years and the funding available for each. We will receive greater detail on the 2022-23 budget package through a panel of key state leaders on Day 2.
A Vision for the Future of Public Education
The Aspen Institute for Education & Society Program. (2022). Opportunity to learn, responsibility to lead. Available at https://www.aspeninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Aspen-Ed-Soc-Opportunity-Responibility_v8-single.pdf.
With an upcoming election that will affect many school boards across our state, now may be one of the most challenging and polarizing times in K-12 education. This report was developed by a group of bipartisan state-level policymakers from across the country to articulate a vision of what K-12 education should be. The authors organize nine principles across three categories that build upon each other: what the student experience and instruction should be like at the classroom level, what conditions are needed for strong teaching and learning across school systems, and what the responsibilities of the state are in supporting school and district efforts.