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Transformative Social & Emotional Learning

**Jagers, R. J., Skoog-Hoffman, A., Barthelus, B., & Schlund, J. (2021, summer). Transforming social and emotional learning in pursuit of educational equity and excellence. American Educator.

California recently adopted transformative social and emotional learning (TSEL) standards, borrowed from the work of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). This article describes what TSEL is and how it is different than previous iterations of learning standards from CASEL. For additional context, you can refer to CASEL’s image of their framework if you are less familiar with it prior to reading the article: We also recommend the table on page 8 from a related article that outlines how each of CASEL’s five core competencies build students’ understanding of themselves, others, and society in a more critically conscious way:

**This document is considered a priority reading.