Meeting 39
June 26-27, 2019
Stockton, California
Continuous improvement has pervaded education discourse across California and has influenced policy in a number of areas, including the state’s approach to supporting districts identified for “differentiated assistance.” Meanwhile, plans in the 2019 budget offer hope for expanding the statewide longitudinal data system. This development potentially takes continuous improvement work to a new level and creates an opportunity to explore local strategies in the context of state-sponsored approaches to collecting and using data. In June 2019, the California Collaborative on District Reform convened to explore data use in the context of continuous improvement. Meeting participants discussed the knowledge, skills, and cultures necessary to use data effectively as part of a thriving education system. They also considered the kinds of data systems that can support those cultures, including those planned at the state level. Resources from the meeting are available below.
Briefing Book
- Cover Letter
- Agenda
- Data for Continuous Improvement
- Building Capacity for Data Use
- Communicating to Students, Families, & Communities
- Building a Robust State Data System
Policy and practice briefs produced as an outcome from Meeting 39.
Leveraging Data for a Culture of Improvement: Priorities for District Leaders
June 2020
School closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have dramatically changed the conditions in which students learn and experience schooling. Disparities in students’ access to learning and in their academic outcomes are likely to exacerbate longstanding challenges and inequities. Now more than ever, educators need information that will help them address student needs, support improvement, and address these inequities. This brief draws on the experiences and lessons of local districts who have taken up the charge to improve access, use, and communication of data throughout their systems. The brief also shares insights for using data in the spirit of continuous improvement and in the service of all California students.