**Johnson, S. M., Kardos, S. M., Kauffman, D., Liu, E., & Donaldson, M. L. (2004). The Support Gap: New Teachers' Early Experiences in High-Income and Low-Income Schools. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 12(61). Available at http://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/view/216
This article, based on two survey studies, highlights differences between the experiences of new teachers in high-income and low-income schools. The authors identify a “support gap” that includes inequities in hiring practices, in support from experienced colleagues, and in curriculum. They conclude that these differences in support can affect teachers’ satisfaction with their work. They offer implications for school and district administrators and for policy.
Achinstein, B., Ogawa, R. T., & Spieglman, A. (2004), Are We Creating Separate and Unequal Tracks of Teachers? The Effects of State Policy, Local Conditions, and Teacher Characteristics on New Teacher Socialization. American Educational Research Journal, 41(3), 557-603. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3102/00028312041003557
This article is based on a two-year mixed method study that was part of a research program sponsored by the New Teacher Center. The article explores the influence of state educational policy, local district and school conditions, and new teachers’ backgrounds and experiences on teacher socialization. The authors report that inequities in district capital can lead to inequities in new teacher induction programs, creating “two classes of teachers for two classes of students.”