Meeting 25
July 15-16, 2014
Garden Grove, California
The California Collaborative on District Reform convened in Garden Grove for a two-day meeting, Professional Capital in a Time of Transition: Moving to the Common Core in Garden Grove. The meeting used the framework of professional capital—the combination of human, social, and decisional capital—and the experiences of Garden Grove Unified School District (GGUSD) to explore issues of capacity building for Common Core implementation. Discussions focused on the district’s efforts to establish a strong foundation of success for its students as teachers, principals, and district leaders face challenges in their transition to Common Core instruction, including teacher motivation, school leadership, and communication, both within Garden Grove and across the state. Participants received a briefing book of resources and literature on the GGUSD context, the professional capital framework, understanding and addressing teacher motivation, and positioning the state to best support Common Core implementation. These resources are available below.
Meeting 25 Summary (PDF 212 KB)
Briefing Book