Meeting 24
April 2-3, 2014
Los Angeles, California
The California Collaborative on District Reform convened in Los Angeles for a two-day meeting, Developing the LCAP: Engaging Communities, Aligning Strategies. The meeting explored many of the concrete issues districts are facing in the process of developing their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs), including the call to meaningfully engage community members, the importance of achieving coherence between the LCAP and other strategic planning efforts, and the demands for improved capacity at all levels of the education system to fulfill the promises of the Local Control Funding Formula. Participants received a briefing book of resources and literature on the Los Angeles Unified School District context, alignment of reform strategies and resource allocation, approaches to meaningful community engagement, and strategies for school-level budgeting. These resources are available below.
Meeting Summary (PDF 514.64 KB)
Briefing Book
- Cover Letter (PDF 376 KB)
- LAUSD Context
- LCFF and LCAP Background
- Strategic Goal Alignment
- Strategic Resource Alignment
- Community Engagement - Approaches
- Community Engagement - LCAP
- School-Level Budgeting
Policy and practice brief produced as an outcome from Meeting 24.
LCFF Implementation: Early Lessons From the Field (PDF, 171 KB)
July 2014
The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) represents a fundamental transformation of the way California allocates state funds to school districts and the ways the state expects districts to make decisions about (and report on) the use of these funds. This brief identifies some early lessons about how best to use the new system to meet student needs, especially the traditionally underserved. It highlights key areas that merit attention from California education stakeholders, as well as issues of communication around priorities and expectations that can help support the successful enactment of the new funding policy.
LCFF Implementation: Building Capacity to Realize the Promises of California’s New Funding System (PDF, 169 KB)
November 2014
California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) has introduced changes that alter the conditions under which educators, administrators, and community leaders approach their roles in the K-12 education system. Consequently, leaders at all levels may need to build the capacity—both the knowledge and skills and the resources—that they need to fulfill the potential of the new funding formula. This brief, the second in a series from the California Collaborative exploring LCFF implementation issues, highlights some of those capacity needs. Recognizing and addressing the demands for improved capacity at all levels of the system will be essential for achieving success with the new funding system.