**Oakland Unified School District. (2012, August). 2012-2013 OUSD School Quality Standards with Rubrics. Oakland, CA: Author. Available for members at this link.
These reference documents list Oakland Unified School District’s (OUSD) School Quality Standards—the essential practices each school is expected to achieve as a full service community school— and provide the rubrics used to measure school progress for the shaded focus standards that are currently being evaluated as part of the school quality review (SQR) process. The standards are categorized into six indicators for quality schools: 1) quality learning experiences for all students; 2) safe, supportive, and healthy learning environments; 3) learning communities focused on continuous improvement; 4) meaningful student, family, and community engagement/partnerships; 5) effective school leadership and resource management; and 6) a high quality central office in service of quality schools.
**Oakland Unified School District. (2013, March). Quality community schools development: Building a full service community school district [PowerPoint slides]. Oakland, CA: Author. Available for members at this link.
These PowerPoint slides provide information on OUSD’s SQR process, outlining the paradigm shift required to transform the district’s definition of school quality, the integration of the SQR into strategic planning, and the next steps for implementation. The SQR uses the district’s common definition of quality—the School Quality Standards—to provide a stronger, more transparent system of accountability and drive strategic steps towards continuous improvement across the entire school system. The presentation slides also include snapshots from Garfield School’s SQR report, focusing on the family engagement indicator that received the lowest possible rating.
**Oakland Unified School District. (n.d.). School Quality Review report for West Oakland Middle School. Oakland, CA: Author. Available for members at this link.
This SQR report for West Oakland Middle School includes an overview of the school context , a narrative of the school’s strengths and challenges, detailed findings associated with the five School Quality Indicators being evaluated, and school data profile. Each section of the report draws on data collected by an SQR team that visited the school to observe classrooms, school activities, and a variety of meetings. This team also conducted interviews with students, parents, teachers, classified staff, administrators, volunteers, and community partners. The report combines this collected data with information provided via West Oakland’s self-reflection (also included), and characterizes the school as underdeveloped, beginning, developing, sustaining, or refining for each School Quality Standard. For example, the school received a “beginning” rating for Standard 1.1: Meaningful and Challenging Curriculum, a “developing” rating for Standard 1.2: Safe and Nurturing Learning Experiences, and a “sustaining” rating for Standard 2.1: Safe & Healthy Center of Community based on how the collected evidence aligned with the established rubrics.
**This document is considered a priority reading.