California Office to Reform Education. (2013, February). Executive summary of California Office to Reform Education (CORE) ESEA waiver proposal. Sacramento, CA: Author. Available at
California Office to Reform Education. (2013, February). CORE ESEA flexibility waiver request [PowerPoint slides]. Sacramento, CA: Author. Available at CORE-Waiver-Content-Presentation.pdf
These two documents summarize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) waiver request submitted to the U.S. Department of Education by the California Office to Reform Education (CORE), a consortium of districts dedicated to collaborative innovation and knowledge sharing. With its waiver request, CORE seeks a new system of accountability based on four goals: (1) expectations of college and career readiness for all students, (2) an emphasis on capacity-building over accountability, (3) fostering of intrinsic motivation for change, and (4) targeted capacity-building for instructional and leadership effectiveness. The executive summary describes the districts’ motivations for seeking a waiver and provides a brief overview of the waiver’s key components. The PowerPoint slides provide a more detailed overview of CORE’s proposed accountability plan and implementation timeline, organized by its four motivating goals.