Linked Learning at Millikan High School
These two documents describe components of the Linked Learning pathways at Millikan High School. The first document describes the overall focus of each pathway. The second document outlines how each pathway can satisfy the “a-g” requirements necessary for entrance to the California State University or University of California systems. Not available online.
**Smaller learning communities at Robert A. Millikan High School.
**Graduation requirements for Millikan High School pathways.
Overview of Linked Learning in Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD)
These materials, obtained from the district’s website, explain the history and overall vision of Linked Learning in LBUSD. Also included are descriptions of the district’s pathways and the schools in which each of the pathways are found.
Linked Learning: Pathways to college and career success. Available at
Pathways in Long Beach. Available at _Learning/pathways.cfm.
District Initiative for Expanding Pathways
LBUSD’s District Initiative for Expanding Pathways (DIEP) aims to strengthen pathways, oversee implementation and evaluation of Linked Learning, and develop strategies for sustaining the reform. The following materials describe the goals, functions, and leadership structure of the DIEP. [These documents were retrieved from the district website at /High_Schools/slc_resource_guide.cfm.]
District Initiative for Expanding Pathways: Critical elements and desired outcomes.
Expanding pathways organizational chart.
Expanding Pathways Implementation Council.
Linked Learning and High School Reform
This graphic shows how initiatives, policies, and practices at each level of the system function together to support Linked Learning and LBUSD’s overall high school reform effort.
Foundations for engaging every learner, every day in a Linked Learning experience. Available at
**This document is considered a priority reading.