**Garden Grove Unified School District. Data on student grades and their CST proficiency levels including:
2009 end of year ELA grade vs 2009 CST ELA proficiency level, by high school
Comparison of CST with final grade 2010, algebra 1, English 1P, English 2P, and geometry, by ethnicity. Not available online.
These data, prepared by the district, show students’ subject matter grades compared to their proficiency scores on the California Standards Test (CST). The first set of graphs, produced for each high school in the district, underscore a discrepancy between grades and CST scores; a fairly large proportion of students receiving “Ds” or “Fs” in 9th grade English were demonstrating “basic” or above on the English/language arts (ELA) CST in the 2008-09 school year. The second set of graphs show that, district-wide, in the 2009-10 school year, shows a similar discrepancy—especially for certain ethnic groups— in English, algebra, and geometry.
Garden Grove Unified School District. (2010). Secondary grading guidelines. Garden Grove, CA: Author. Not available online.
This document outlines guidelines for the district’s standards-based grading practices in secondary schools for the 2010-11 school year. The document, prepared for teachers by the district, summarizes the general breakdown of grades, the difference between formative and summative assessments, and the role of homework in standards-based grading. The guidance also offers best grading practices, such as providing students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of skills over time.
**This document is considered a priority reading.