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Overview of Garden Grove Unified

**Zavadsky, H. (2009). Garden Grove Unified School District. In F.M. Hess (Ed.), Bringing school reform to scale: Five award-winning urban districts (pp. 131-175). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. Available for purchase at


This chapter profiles Garden Grove Unified School District, providing an overview of the district’s demographics, goals, strengths and challenges. With a goal of ensuring that all students are adequately prepared to enter college or a skilled career, the district maintains a stable climate while using data to monitor progress, aligning instructional programs to state standards, and building capacity through, for instance, recruitment and ongoing support for teachers.


Garden Grove Unified School District. Summary data on student demographics and achievement, compared to the state average. Retrieved on March 9, 2011 from


Garden Grove Unified School District 2009-10 student demographics


Garden Grove Unified School District 2009-10 percent of English learners by language


Garden Grove Unified School District 2009-10 percent of English learners by grade-level


Garden Grove Unified School District 2009-10 API report, by demographics


Garden Grove Unified School District 2009-10 AYP overview


California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) 2010 ELA and math results grade 10, by gender and ethnicity


Garden Grove Unified School District 2008-09 dropout rate, by ethnicity


Garden Grove Unified School District 2009-10 Title III accountability report


Garden Grove Unified School District 2009-10 percentage of Students at each CELDT performance level, by grade


Garden Grove Unified School District 2009-10 percentage of students meeting California English Language Development Test (CELDT) criterion, by grade


Garden Grove Unified School District. (n.d.). Secondary education: putting it all together (pp. 1). Garden Grove, CA: Author. Not available online.


This diagram shows the five main components of the district’s mission to support post-secondary success—curriculum, instruction and assessment; targeted student support; and targeted staff support—and how the components interact.


Garden Grove Unified School District. (2010, September). Organizational chart. Garden Grove, CA: Author. Not available online. Not available online.


This organizational chart of the district administration of Garden Grove Unified School District indicates the relatively small size of the central office.


**This document is considered a priority reading.