**Mafi, G. (2007). Gradual release of responsibility instructional framework with guiding questions. Garden Grove, CA: Garden Grove Unified School District. Available at http://www.sjboces.org/doc/Gifted/GRADUALRELEASEOFRESPONSIBILITYquestions.pdf
**Garden Grove Unified School District. (n.d.). Secondary education: Putting it all together (pp. 2). Garden Grove, CA: Author. Not available online.
These two documents, developed by the district, provide a brief overview of Garden Grove Unified’s instructional framework for secondary schools focused on the gradual release of responsibility (GRR). The first document details the teacher and student roles in each of the four phases of the GRR process—input, modeling, guided practice, and collaboration/independent practice. For each phase, guiding questions are listed on the document to help teachers employ the framework. The second document presents a graphic depicting how the district’s GRR framework, combined with other strategies for scaffolding learning, help students master content standards.
Garden Grove Unified School District. (n.d.). K-12 coaching in GGUSD. Garden Grove, CA: Author. Not available online.
This document briefly outlines the district's coaching model for secondary schools, including the motivations for and activities involved with each of three coaching relationships (mentoring for new teachers, coaches for teachers expressing interest in a particular area of need, and two teachers working together to build knowledge). The second page gives an overview of how teachers can access this coaching model both in and outside of school time.
Garden Grove Unified School District. (n.d.). 7-12 systematic ELD and CM implementation. Garden Grove, CA: Author. Not available online.
This timeline outlines the training, development, and support activities in which the district is engaging as it implements Systematic English Language Development (ELD) and Constructing Meaning (CM), two instructional strategies designed to ensure English learners can access and develop content knowledge in secondary schools.
**This document is considered a priority reading.