**Washington Academic Middle School. (2010, October). WAMS principal summit. PowerPoint not available online. View video.
Through yearly principal summits, Sanger’s district office asks principals to present their school’s student achievement data and their plans to improve student outcomes as well as to receive feedback and suggestions from the central office. This video, which can be viewed on the DVD contained in the briefing binder or on the members-only portion of the Collaborative website, contains complete footage from the hour-long Washington Academic Middle School’s Principal Summit from October 2010. The presentation slides contain graphs, diagrams, school reform strategies, and future goals for WAMS.
Washington Academic Middle School (WAMS) school-level achievement data.
Academic Performance Index (API) Trend 2003-04 through 2009-10
School Rank 2003-04 through 2009-10
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in ELA 2003-04 through 2009-10
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Math 2003-04 through 2009-10
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Status 2003-04 through 2009-10
**This document is considered a priority reading.