Kenji Hakuta, Professor of Education at Stanford University, will offer two Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) this fall, crafted to help educators and administrators support students’ language and content learning in light of the Common Core State Standards. In Constructive Classroom Conversations: Mastering Language for College and Career Readiness, educators will learn to systematically observe, collect, and analyze student language using the Conversation Analysis Tool, as well as plan instruction designed to promote student’s conversation skills. Dr. Hakuta will be joined by co-teachers Jeff Zwiers and Sara Rutherford-Quach, both researchers at the Understanding Language initiative. The second MOOC, Supporting English Language Learners under New Standards, is a collaboration with Oregon State University (OSU) and the Oregon Department of Education. The course will focus on assessing students’ use of evidence to support their claims through analysis of student language samples, then using this knowledge to design curriculum. Dr. Hakuta and Sara Rutherford-Quach will join OSU assistant professor Karen Thompson as instructors for the course.
Additional information is available on the Understanding Language Website.