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Reading List: Setting the Context: Data on English Language learners and supports for them in OUSD

** Demographic and program participation data


Glossary of data of Instructional Services received by EL students in California. Available at


Number of English learners for Oakland Unified. Available at


Number of ELL students by language and grade OUSD 2006/07. Available at


Percentage of EL students, Fluent English Proficient (FEP), Redesiganted FEP, and English –Only Students in OUSD, grades K-12, 2006-07. Available at


Percentage of EL students, Fluent English Proficient (FEP), Redesiganted FEP, and English –Only Students in OUSD, Alameda County, and California, grades K-12, 2006-07. Available at


Glossary for student designation Available at


Percentages of EL students receiving various instructional services in OUSD, Alameda County and California, grades K-12, 2006-07. Available at


English learner student typology. Not available online. This document provides the terminology OUSD uses to make distinctions among different kinds of English language learners in the district in order to better address the needs of each group. At this point, the district does not have data on the numbers of students in each category.


Instructional Design for EL Students in OUSD- EL Master Plan


** Oakland Unified School District, English Learner Master Plan: Essential Elements, Fall 2007. Not available online.


This is an abbreviated, user-friendly version of the revised OUSD Master Plan for English Language Programs and Services. This document was prepared to provide the schools and the district with a “procedures manual” for the development, implementation, and evaluation of English Learner programs and services. It also provides a detailed description of required policies and practices. The Essential Elements are organized around seven key questions: a) How are English Learners identified and assessed? How are they reclassified? b) Which English Learner program models are offered by Oakland Unified? c) What instructional services are required? d) How can we ensure that teachers are well-qualified to teach ELs? e) How do we know that our programs are working? f) How can we ensure that parents and families are meaningful partners in their children’s education? g) How may we use our general and categorical funds to benefit English Learners?


** Small school models in the EL Master Plan. Not available online.


This excerpt from the EL Master Plan describes 3 models for meeting the needs of English learners in small secondary schools in the district. These approaches are represented in the sample of schools the Collaborative will be visiting on Monday afternoon.


Implementation of the EL Master Plan


ELL Professional Development Plan. Not available online.


This document, still in progress, was developed in 2007-08 by a team of teachers and administrators. The purposes of Oakland’s English Learner Professional Development Plan is to provide a written plan that fosters norms of continuous improvement for ELL teachers, as it is required in the district English Learner Master Plan. The plan reflects ten basic design elements set forth in the English Learner Master Plan: Student Data, Planning, Time, Leadership, Content and Pedagogy, Inquiry, Collaboration, Adult learning, Support, Accountability.


English Learners Programs and Services. Secondary Site Monitoring Toolkit. Spring 2008 Draft version. Not available online.


This toolkit is a document still in progress by the district. The purpose of the tool is to monitor site implementation of the ELL Master Plan. Please read it carefully to provide feedback to the district during the meeting. While read, please think about how this tool is related with the main question of this meeting; the relationship between flexibility and coherence and what could be improved in it to satisfy the needs of the district.